Contents of page 16 are added to this page which is now page 12 of this site
For Comments, suggestions, contributions contact
1. Agarwal R.C. 1981, 'Portable non-tracking flat box type Solar Cooker with twin plain boosters' National Solar Energy Convention SC:04, , Bangalore.
2. Amith Kumar,VVN KIshor, 1994, 'Development and testing of improved solar rice cooker,' SESI Journal, 4 ( 2 ), 87-91,
3. Anonymous 1961, 'Proceedings of the United Nations Conference on New Sources of Energy', Rome , Aug '61.
4. Anonymous 1970. 'ENERGY'. Life and Time Series,
5. Anonymous 1981, Solar Energy Digest, May, Page 1
6. Anonymous 1981, Solar Energy Digest, Aug., Page 4.
7. Anonymous 1969, Appropriate Technology Handbook, VITA, Publi.
8. Anonymous 1979, 'Solar Energy Digest' 12 (5) 3 May.
9. Anonymous 1981. 'Hemispherical Bowl' Sun world, Vol. 5, No. 4, 64,
10. Anonymous 1981.Popular Since Nov. Page 84, (HELIOVEN).
11. Ananymous. 1976. 'Solar Cooking Turns Practical' Mechanix illustrated July.
12. Amith Kumar & Kishore, 1994. SESI Journal, 4 (2), 87-91.
13. Arora S S & Sharma M., 1993. Alternate Sources of Energy, Proc of 9th National Convention Mechanical Engineers' Kanpur, october '92, 15-17.
14. Ashok Kundapur. 1980, 'Plastics in Solar Industry' TERI Documentation Notes, Feb.
15. Ashok Kundapur, 1995. 'Solar Cookers - a review 'All India conference on alternative Energy Sources, MIT, Manipal , May, '95.
16. Baumeister et al., 1978. 'Mark's Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers' McGrawHill Book Co., 8th Ed.
17. Beale William,. 1982. Personal Communication,
18. Beale William 1981. 'VITA NEWS July, Page 10.
19. Bethea et al 1981. 'Environmental effects on Solar Concentrator Mirrors', Solar Energy, 27(6)
20. Bowman T.E. 1979, Solar Cookers: Test Results and New Designs Second InternationalSymosium of Engineering, 19-23 Feb., Universided Jose sime on Canas, San Salvedor, El Salvedor, C.A.
21. Bowman T.E Blatt J.H. 1978.,'Solar Cookers, History Design Fabrication Test and Evaluation'. Florida 32901, USA,
22. Bowman , 1981. Personal Communication,
23. Brace Research 1972. 'Solar Steam Cooker do-it-yourself leaflet L-2' Brace Research Institute, Faculty of Engineering McGill University, St. Anne-do-Bellevue, 800, Bellevue, Canada.
24. Buckwaltor C.Q. McVay G.L. 1980.'Inhibiting degradation of the process manufactured Solar Mirrores' Solar Energy Materials 3, 215-224,
25. Carter Rose,1981. 'Solar Oven' VITA Technichal Bulletin No. 6,
26. Chen et al, 1989. 'Research and Development of Solar Cooker in China' Biomass 20 (1-2), 113-123,
27. Chen et al . 1995. 'Oven receivers: An approach towards the Revival of Concentrating Type of Cookers' Solar Energy, 54 (4).,227 - 237,
28. Cheema L S., 1984, ' Two step asymmetrical reflector solar cooker of box type' Proc. of NSEC, Vadodara, Dec. 15-18, 1983.
29. Edmund Bernard, 1995, Solar Spotlight, ( a monthly from USA ) 2 (1), page 2.
30. Edmundson. 1995. 'Is this the shape to come of most Point Focussing Concentrators' Solar Energy Digest, 17 (2) 1, 1981.
31. El-Sebaii A A ., 1994, Energy the International Journal, 19 (10), 1011-21.
32. Fantagare NM, 1992. " Fresnel solar cookers" Rural Technology Journal, 8 (4 ), 13-16.
33. Fang P.H. & Susan S. 1979. 'Chinese Solar Cookers' App. Tech. 5 (4) 4-5,
34. Frank Weyer, 1980. Personal Communication (RTU Technical Advicer), POB MS 1027, Maseem Lesotho, South Africa.
35. Fraber E.A et al., 1975. 'Heat Transfer aspect of Solar Powered Cooking Device with 24 hour Service' Proc of 21 Annual Tech.Meeting, Vol.1.
36. GATE (German App. Technology) 1979 . 'Comparision between different Systems of Solar Cookers considering both Technical and Economic Aspects' Exchange, P.O. D-6236, Eschborm 1 FRG).
37. 'GEDA: 1979. ' Proposal for Popularising Solar Cookers' Document published by Gujarath Energy Development Corporation, Gujarath,
38. Garg et al., 1978. ' Performance Evaluation of Five Solar Cookers'. Sun Mankinds Future Sources of Energy. Proc of International Solar Energy society Congress, New Delhi, January Vol. 2 , 1941 - 1496.
39. George W. 1981. 'Tailand' VITA News, April Page 12 -13.
40. Gore, 1990. " Why solar cookers do not sell" Changing Villages, 9 (4) 219-225.
41. Gosh M. K. 1973.'Domestic Multipurpose type of Solar Energy Unit' Proc. of National Solar Energy, 7 (3) 131-132, 1963.
42. Grupp et al., 1991. 'Novel advanced box type Solar Cooker'Solar Energy 47 (2) 107 - 114,
43. Gupta G.L. 1975, 'Solar Energy for India' Science Today, April Page 32.
44. Halacy D.S, 1959. 'How to Build and use a Reflector Cooker' Fun with the Sun, Macmilan Company.
45. Halacy D.S. Jr. , 1974. 'Fun with Sun' The Mother Earth News 25, Page 26-28
46. Hall et al. 1977 'Cooking with Stored Solar Heat' Annual Meeting of International Solar Energy Society, India
47. Howe, E.D. 1981.'The Mirrors', Sun world, Vol. 5. No. 3,64,
48. Huxtable D.D 1976. 'Termal Energy Stogage by the Sulfuric Acid Water System' Proc. of joint Conference of the American Section, Int. Solar Energy Society and Solar Energy Society of Cannada,Vol. 8
49. Hoda MM 1979. 'Solar Cooker' Appropriate Technology Association, Post Box 311, Gandhi Bhavan, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Lucknow-226 001. U.P., India
50. INTERNET site 1997, http//www/ , US patents on solar cookers.
51. INTERNET site 1997, Internet site on Soalr cookers solar cookers.
52. Janet Raloff 1981.'The Curly Cooker' Science News, March 28, Page 203.
53. Kanua J.F. 1979. 'Solar Cooker Project, Final Report' Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nirobi.
54. Kapur J.C. 1982 'Why India should Blaze a New Trail' Illustrated Weekly of India, Vol CIII, May 23-29, , 34-37.
55. Khalifa A.M.A et al 1985 'Solar Cookers for Outdoors and Indoors' Energy (Oxford) 10(7) 819 - 829,.
56. Kulkarni P.K. 1978, 'Solar Cooker-Concentrator Type' Indian Solar Energy Convention, p. 262-267.
57. Lof Fester, 1963. 'Recent Investigations in the use of Solar Energy for Cooking' Solar Energy , 7 (3) 131-132,
58. Mann V, Sangwan, 1992. " Solar Cooker performance evaluation" Invention Intelliegnce,28 ( 5 ), 149-51.
59. Mannan K.D. 1981.`Thermal Performance and Cooking Evalution of Compound Cone Solar Oven' NSEC, Bangalore, SC:05.
60. Mathur S.S. & Bansal N.K. 1981, 'Indian Institute of Technology Renewable energy Research in India, Aug. Pages 73-82, Tata Energy Research Institute, Documentation Centre. Bombay.
61. Meinel A.B & Meinel M.P 1977. Applied Solar Energy, Addison - Wesley Pub.,
62. Merril M. & Gage T. 1974.'Energy Primer' Portola Institute Inc. A Delta Special Seymour Lawrence
63. Medved.S.,, 1996, ' Solar Ball' Renewable Energy, an International Journal, 9 ( 1-4) 741-744.
64. Murthy N.S, 1982, Offset Food Paraboloid Solar Stove for Indoor Cooking Application'National Solar Energy Convention Bangalore SC:03.
65. Muzumdar N.N,1980. 'Solar Oven' Muzumder Consultants, 13 Maitri Society, Dr. Radhakrishnan Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat (India) -380015.
66. Nahar N.M. 1993.'Performance of large size Solar Water Heater-cum-Solar Cooker' Int. Jor. of Energy Research, 17 (1) 57-67,
67.Nahar N M , 1994. Applied Energy, 48(4): 295-304.
68. Nahar N M, 1996, ' A novel solar cooker for animal feed' Energy conservation and management, 37 (1), 77-80.
69. Narasimha Rao,, 1989. 'Mirror Boosters for Solar Cooker II' Energy Conversion and Management, 29(3) 157 - 164,
70. Nandwani SS & Gomez O F.,1993. Renewable Energy 3 (67) 607-620, ,
71. Nijaguna B.T. 1983. Personal communications. Personal Communication 1982. Proof.Mech. Eng. Karnataka RegionalEngineering College, Suratkal, South Canara.
72. Oberoi, 1990. " Use of solar cookers in Indian kitchen" Urja, 28 ( 6 ) , 65 -68.
73. Olwi l. et al 1994. 'Towards convenient Solar Cooking: Experimental results of an Indoors Model'. Energy Conversion and Management 35 (a) 793 - 799,
74. Pal and Kalra 1981, 'Low Cost Clay Energy Appliances for Rural Areas in India a Clay Biogas plant and Solar Cooker' National Solar Energy Convention, Paper No. 9,028.
75. Patel S.B. 1981'Mathematical Modelling Leading to a Solar cooker' National Solar Energy Convention, Bangalore SC:02.
76. Patel P D. Patel R S 1994. SESI Journal 4 (1), 29-32.
77. Patel S.K.,, 1990, 'Prototype development of better model of Box type cooker' Proc. of NSEC, Udaupur, 1-3, Dec. 89, 101-104.
78. Prata S.1961.'A Cylindro Parabolic Solar Cooker'Paper S/110 Proceedings of the United Nations Conference on new Sources of Energy (Rome 21-31, Aug. '61), Vol. 5, Solar Energy II, United Nations Publication No. 63.1.39, Pages 370-379.
79. Pandya & Pandya 1981.Solar Cookers' National Energy Convention, Bangalore,
80. Parikh M. 1976. 'Solar Oven' Monograph. 15 p.
81. Rama Rao P.N.G. 1981. 'Financing of Gober Gas Plants in South Kanara and North Canara Dist. of Karnataka', Syndicate Bank, Manipal,
82. Ratnaswamy, 1988. 'Low cost Cooker' Proc. of NSEC,Hyderabad, Dec-88. 308-09.
83. Reddy M.S. et al. 1980, 'Application of Solar Concentrator in Domestic Cooking' National Solar Energy Convention Page 202 - 207.
84. Richard C Warenham, 1995. Solar Spotlight, ( see ref of Edmund Bernard ) 2 (1) page 2.
For Comments, suggestions, contributions contact
Please add,Solar or Solar Cooker, in the subject to avoid your mail being erased as scam
- Salaria K.S., Singh M. 1978'Solar Cooking Applicances' Proc National Solar Energy Convention, Bhavnagar Dec., 250-256.
- Sharm .S., Phillp S.K., 1993. " Development of low cost cardboard solar cooker"in N.K Babnal ed. New Dimentions in reneable energy, Proc. of NSEC, New Delhi, Dec. 92, 52-56.
- Shanmugam et al 1981`Solar Cooker using Coating for Enhanced Solar Thermal EnergyConvention' National Solar Energy Convention, Bangalore, SC :01.
- Singh 1993. In N K Bansal ed. " New dimentions in Reneable energy" Proc.NSEC, New Delhi Dec '92, pp 48-51.
- Srinivasan et al . 1979.'A Simple Technique for Fabrication of Paraboloid concentrator' Solar Energy, 22, 463 - 465,
- Stam H. 1961'Cheap but Practical Solar Kitchens' UN conference on New Sources of Energy, Rome August, 309 - 310.
- Subodh Kumar, 1994."Heat loss from parabolic concentrators .." Reneable Energy- an International Journal 4 (3 ), 333-37.
- Sudhakar k. et al 1981 'A Performance of an Inbuilt Storage Water Heater' Proc. of NSEC Convention, NH:11, Bangalore. Page 1.039,
- Swet S.J. 1972'A Universal Solar Kitchen' Seventh Inter-Society Energy Conversion Engineering Conference 1972 and also as Report No.APL/JHU C P OIS Applied Physics Lab. John Hopkins University, Silver Springs Md. 20910, 1972.
- Tabor H. 1966,'A Solar Cooker for Developed Country' Solar Energy (4) 153 - 157,
- Telkes M. 1959.'Solar Cooking ovens' Solar Energy Vol.III(1) 1-11,
- Vaughan B.D. 1979, `Simple Solar Cooker from India' Appropriate Technology 6 (1) May Page 12.
- Venkatesham Y. 1980.'Geneva fair brings together useful Technologies for Developing Countries' Invn. Int. Oct-Dec. 438,
- Venugopal S. 1978. 'Portable Solar Milk Heater' Invention Intelligence, March 1,
- VITA 1961 Evaluation of Solar Cookers, Vita Report No. 10, 1961 VITA, 3706, Rhode Island Avenue, Mt. Rainier, Mary Land, USA.
- VITA 1971. 'Solar Cooker Construction Manual' 11009 BK A VITA Publication (please see Ref. No. 5 above for address).
- Von Oppen M. 1977 'The Sun Basket App. Technology, Vol, 4, No. 38-10,
- Walton J.D. Jr. et al 1977 'A State of Art Survey of Solar Powered Pumps, Solar Cookers, and Wood Burning Stoves'. Final Report 1977 Georgia Institue of Technology Altanta, Georgia - 30332. Georgia Tech. Project A-2004.
- Wentzel, 1966. 'Performance evaluation of Solar Cookers ..'. Journal of Energy in South Africa, 7 ( 3 ), 85-88.
- Wielke Herms 1997. 'Always the Sun' German News June-july , page 10.
- Whiller A. 1965. ' A Stove for Boiling foods using Solar Energy' Sun at Work Vol.10 (1) 9-12,
- Mujumdar Debabratha, NSEC, Dec. 15-18, 1983, 1Vadodara, pp 109-110.
- Cheema L S , NSEC, Dec 15-18,1983, Vadodara, pp 95-97.
- Kishor & Kumar, SESI Journal, 4 (2)pp 87-91, 1994.
- Herliyani Suharta, K Abdullah, A Sayiah, Solar Energy 64, 4-6, pp 121-132, 1998
- Medved S, Meglic B, Novak P, Solar Ball, Energy-an Int Journal, 21 (12)pp 1257-64,1996.
Source:- TIDE., March 1998, 8-1, pp 1-37,
For Comments, suggestions, contributions contact
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Solar Cooker International
( SCI ) At present NUMBER ONE NGO popularizing Solar Cookers and Cooking. One would find a wealth of information on solar cooking and cooker designs in this site. E-Mail:
( SCI ) At present NUMBER ONE NGO popularizing Solar Cookers and Cooking. One would find a wealth of information on solar cooking and cooker designs in this site. E-Mail:
Volunteers in Technical Assistance, USA. It was one of the foremost NGO in 70-75. Even now it has lot of publications to offer on Solar Cookers as well as Wood Stove and various other alternative energy sources. E-mail:
Volunteers in Technical Assistance, USA. It was one of the foremost NGO in 70-75. Even now it has lot of publications to offer on Solar Cookers as well as Wood Stove and various other alternative energy sources. E-mail:
Quarterly published by Tata Energy Research Institute, Darbari Sheth Block, Habitat Place, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110 003. This is the number one organizations of India keeping a tab on a whole lot of Energy and other Resources. E-Mail: &
Quarterly published by Tata Energy Research Institute, Darbari Sheth Block, Habitat Place, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110 003. This is the number one organizations of India keeping a tab on a whole lot of Energy and other Resources. E-Mail: &
An excellent online site for various aspects of alternate energy sources. A must for even an advanced researcher.
An excellent online site for various aspects of alternate energy sources. A must for even an advanced researcher.
An excellent online site for various aspects on Electric Generators as well as Alternate Energy Sources.
An excellent online site for various aspects on Electric Generators as well as Alternate Energy Sources.
is another excellent site on various aspects of Alternate energy resources and guidelines. A must for serious browser
is another excellent site on various aspects of Alternate energy resources and guidelines. A must for serious browser
EDITIONS_JOUVENCE is a well know publisher from France They have published Prof Bernard's little book on solar Cookers called as ' La Cuisson Solaire Facile' which describes many different types of Panel Cookers including the famous "Cookit".
BRETT WHITE was the first contributor to this SITE. He is specilizing on folding type solar concentrators. He has plans to pursue his masters too at Australia.
DERIS JEANNETTE: is working on what he calls as 'Clear Dome Solar Ovens' he has many designs and do it yourself plans in his site.
DAVID DELANEY: is pursuing the important work of suitably insulating the cooking pot in simple solar cookers like 'Cookit' or the like. He has lot of information on the same and several interesting variations of the idea.
QUINTON STOWELL: has been doing excellent work popularising the solar cooking in places like PERU. His site on the subject in one of the most beautiful sites I have seen.
Prof.STEVEN JOHNES: has evolved a new type of Cooker called as Solar Funnel. His site presents the same with lot of photos and directions. This is yet another excellent site.
Hannu Virtanen: is a well know researcher working at Nepal, His site is a must be visited for lot of information on Double reflector type of Solar Cookers.
RAVINDRA PARDESI: Sri RAVINDRA and his wife Smt SHOBHA PARDESI,are husband and wife team,working at India, on Mannan type of solar cookers. They have improved the design and have tried out various methods of staking cooking vessels. Visit to their site is also a must. E-mail:
A huge and extensive site with hundreds of links on Energy, including one on unproven concepts. Person interested in Solar Cooking may please
YASUKO TORII : Has an excellent site on solar Cookers. It has lot of photos and interesting information
Prof. AJAY CHANDAK Is a prolific inventor, and popularized Solar cookers in his home town Dhula He has lot of information on his site and several interesting variations.
Is a Green site, ever ready to help people who wish to install Alternate Energy devices, like Solar Photovoltaic cells, Wind mills at their home or Industry.
Is a Green site, ever ready to help people who wish to install Alternate Energy devices, like Solar Photovoltaic cells, Wind mills at their home or Industry.
(Practically every SEARCH ENGINE would list lot of sites on Solar Cooking.But it would be easy if you select a design from this site, and look for details. If you can not find any details, please contact me at